
Showing posts from March, 2014's Selected Pictures & Photograph:--2013. (+playlist)

   We Have Posted Some Selected Picture & Photographs From Our Collections. Hope You Will like The Pictures From Home & Abroad.. Describing about us by ourselves is tough.Basically we were a political element and activist since student life.We are political anonymous!. Some are contributing columnist and a freelance writer in newspapers and as well as a Political analyst on the political arena of Bangladesh.writing and editing of social, political and economic column and review is our job and Our goals are to develop news and make the targeted news as perfect and instant to its reader with national views and international standard! We are specialize at social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation.  specialized on social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation,'s Selected Pictures & Photograph:--2013. (+playlist)

   We Have Posted Some Selected Picture & Photographs From Our Collections. Hope You Will like The Pictures From Home & Abroad.. Describing about us by ourselves is tough.Basically we were a political element and activist since student life.We are political anonymous!. Some are contributing columnist and a freelance writer in newspapers and as well as a Political analyst on the political arena of Bangladesh.writing and editing of social, political and economic column and review is our job and Our goals are to develop news and make the targeted news as perfect and instant to its reader with national views and international standard! We are specialize at social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation.  specialized on social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation,'s Selected Pictures & Photograph:--2013. (+playlist)

   We Have Posted Some Selected Picture & Photographs From Our Collections. Hope You Will like The Pictures From Home & Abroad.. Describing about us by ourselves is tough.Basically we were a political element and activist since student life.We are political anonymous!. Some are contributing columnist and a freelance writer in newspapers and as well as a Political analyst on the political arena of Bangladesh.writing and editing of social, political and economic column and review is our job and Our goals are to develop news and make the targeted news as perfect and instant to its reader with national views and international standard! We are specialize at social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation.  specialized on social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation,'s Selected Pictures & Photograph:--2013. (+playlist)

   We Have Posted Some Selected Picture & Photographs From Our Collections. Hope You Will like The Pictures From Home & Abroad.. Describing about us by ourselves is tough.Basically we were a political element and activist since student life.We are political anonymous!. Some are contributing columnist and a freelance writer in newspapers and as well as a Political analyst on the political arena of Bangladesh.writing and editing of social, political and economic column and review is our job and Our goals are to develop news and make the targeted news as perfect and instant to its reader with national views and international standard! We are specialize at social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation.  specialized on social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation,

Mujib Talking About Him, his likings with David Frost

I am  Uploaded on  Nov 20, 2009 Famous British TV personality David Frost took this interview of Sheikh Mujib a few days after his return from the Pakistani Jail. This is the interview where Bangabandhu claimed 3 millions of bengali were butchered by the Pakistani army and he requested the world to come forward and help to try the war criminals and reconstruct the newborn nation:  specialized on social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation,

Mujib Talking About Him, his likings with David Frost

I am  Uploaded on  Nov 20, 2009 Famous British TV personality David Frost took this interview of Sheikh Mujib a few days after his return from the Pakistani Jail. This is the interview where Bangabandhu claimed 3 millions of bengali were butchered by the Pakistani army and he requested the world to come forward and help to try the war criminals and reconstruct the newborn nation:  specialized on social and political analysis in the context of local and international situation,

বিশেষ জেলে শেখ হাসিনা ও এবারের ঈদ

 ( Looking Back Bangladesh Politics:  Crisis Visioned In 2007's Emergency) বিশেষ জেলে শেখ হাসিনা ও এবারের ঈদ সৈয়দ কামরূল আহসান: -(প্রাক্তন ভিপি, ঢাকা কলেজ ছাত্রসংসদ/১৯৮০ইং):-:   (এই লেখটি কলাম আকারে দৈনিক ভোরের কাগজে ২০০৭ ইং এর ১১ই অক্টবর , তারিখে প্রকাশিত হয়) ‡`‡k Awbevh© Kvi‡Y Riæwi Ae¯’v †NvlYvi ci †_‡KB Ges Avcv‡K we‡`k hvIqvi ci †`‡k Avm‡Z bv †`Iqvi bvUK I ciewZ© Kv‡j wKQz wg_¨v gvgjv mvwR‡q AvR‡K Avcv‡K †R‡j ivLv n‡q‡Q| we‡kl Av`vj‡Z Zvi wePv‡ii cÖ¯‘wZ I Pj‡Q| me †_‡K ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †h w`KwU,‡mUv n‡jv †kL nvwmbvi GB wec‡`i mgq `‡ji wKQz †bZv †kL nvwmbvi weiæ‡× K_v ejv ïiy K‡ib|Zviv †kL nvwmbvi mgv‡jvPbvq e¨¯Í n‡q c‡ob Ges Zzgyj ms¯‹vi cwš’ n‡q D‡Vb|Avðh© e¨vcvi n‡jv †kL nvwmbvi mymgq Giv ‡Zvlv‡gv` Ki‡Z Kmyi K‡iwb Ges GB mKj †bZv‡`i AwaKvsk Aek¨B `ybx©wZevR|‡`k ¯^vaxb nIqvi ci H mKj †bZv‡`i Avkxev©`cyó AvZ¥xq-¯^Rb,I mg_©K‡`i AZ¨vPvi I jyUcv‡Ui d‡j e½eÜzi gZ e¨w³Z¡ I RbwcÖqZv nvivq Ges Zvi g„Zy¨i ci GB mKj †bZv e½eÜzi RvbvRv †Zv `~‡ii K_v Zvi jvkwUi Lei wb‡Z...

Old Collections Of Columns, By Syed Quamrul Ahsan, Published In Local Bengali Dailies From Dhaka.

This Is One Of The Old Collections Of Writing That Was Published As Column,  In Local Daily Newspaper, Written By Syed Quamrul ahsa n , Political Analyst ,Editor , Blogger .  evRvi- A_©bxwZ I fvov‡U wc‡KUvi ‰mq` Kvgi“j Avnmvb 10B GwcÖ‡ji cwÎKvq Av‡iv †`Lv hvq †h nvB‡Kv‡U©i mvg‡bi †_‡K RbZv †evgv gvivi mgq nv‡Z bv‡Z GKRb‡K AvUK K‡i cywj‡ki Kv‡Q †mvc`© K‡i| Zvi KvQ †_‡K Rvbv hvq| †h, we.Gb.wc Gi ¯’vbxq GKRb †bZv cywj‡ki Mvox‡Z †evgv gvivi Rb¨ Zv‡K fvov K‡i Ges †evgv cÖwZ Zv‡K 500/- UvKv †`Iqvi Rb¨ avh© K‡i wZbwU †evgvmn 1500/- UvKv bM` w`‡q †`q| wKš‘ `yf©vM¨µ‡g cÖ_g †evgvwU wb‡¶c Kivi ci ÎywUMZ Kvi‡b †mUv dv‡Uwb Ges RbZv †`‡L †d‡j Zv‡K avIqv K‡i a‡i I cywj‡ki Kv‡Q †mvc`© K‡i| cvkvcvwk Avi GKwU Lei I cwÎKvq cÖKvk cvq Avi Zv n‡jv AvIqvg~jx‡Mi Gg.wc Wvt GBP. Gg BKev‡ji wgwQj †_‡K hviv ¸wj K‡iwQj cwZc‡¶i w`‡K Zv‡`i K‡qKRb‡K †MÖdZvi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges GivI mgv‡Ri Aciva RM‡Zi †jvK e‡j cÖKvk| †kvbv hvq Giv ¯’vbxq we.Gb.wci †bZv‡`i wbKU AvZ¥xq| cw...
10B GwcÖ‡ji cwÎKvq Av‡iv †`Lv hvq †h nvB‡Kv‡U©i mvg‡bi †_‡K RbZv †evgv gvivi mgq nv‡Z bv‡Z GKRb‡K AvUK K‡i cywj‡ki Kv‡Q †mvc`© K‡i| Zvi KvQ †_‡K Rvbv hvq| †h, we.Gb.wc Gi ¯’vbxq GKRb †bZv cywj‡ki Mvox‡Z †evgv gvivi Rb¨ Zv‡K fvov K‡i Ges †evgv cÖwZ Zv‡K 500/- UvKv †`Iqvi Rb¨ avh© K‡i wZbwU †evgvmn 1500/- UvKv bM` w`‡q †`q| wKš‘ `yf©vM¨µ‡g cÖ_g †evgvwU wb‡¶c Kivi ci ÎywUMZ Kvi‡b †mUv dv‡Uwb Ges RbZv †`‡L †d‡j Zv‡K avIqv K‡i a‡i I cywj‡ki Kv‡Q †mvc`© K‡i| cvkvcvwk Avi GKwU Lei I cwÎKvq cÖKvk cvq Avi Zv n‡jv AvIqvg~jx‡Mi Gg.wc Wvt GBP. Gg BKev‡ji wgwQj †_‡K hviv ¸wj K‡iwQj cwZc‡¶i w`‡K Zv‡`i K‡qKRb‡K †MÖdZvi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges GivI mgv‡Ri Aciva RM‡Zi †jvK e‡j cÖKvk| †kvbv hvq Giv ¯’vbxq we.Gb.wci †bZv‡`i wbKU AvZ¥xq| cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ D‡iv³ NUbv¸wj Avgv‡`i‡K AvZw¼Z K‡i †Zv‡j| KviY mvavibZ niZv‡j wc‡KwUs GgbwK †evgvevwR I K‡i _v‡K mvavibZ `‡ji Kg©x I †bZviv| niZv‡ji w`b wgwUs wgwQj K‡i wc‡KwUs K‡i _v‡K `‡ji Zi“b Kg©xiv| mvavibZ †bZvivI wewfbœ c‡q‡›U †_‡K wc‡KwUs I wgwQ‡ji †bZ…Z¡ w`‡q _v‡Kb|...
Image (News Based Information Portal) Edited By: Syed Quamrul Ahsan (Political Analyst, Blogger, Columnist ) Published & Owned By, & Is Trading Under Dhaka City Corporation (North):-- Trade Licenses No. 108457-- Dated 29th July of The year 2012 . Registered Address: Level 2, Flat 2/B, house # 1, Road # 28, Sector # 7, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka- 1230, Bangladesh. (We Produce Alternative News Based Information On Web-Media. News-Portal,Blog-page & Website) Why We Are Here Due To Some Unavoidable Circumstances Created By Our Web Developer (AloIt), We Had To Loose Our Domain As . We Are Condemning Their Unethical Business Attitude Of Mistrusts, Misdeeds, With Lying, Theft & Pilferage In Nature Of Their Owner. We Are Deeply Sorry For The Inconveniences Of Our Subscriber And Announcing To Lunch The News-Portal In New Domain Name As Wi...