BANGLADESH IS FACING A CRUCIAL MOMENT IN POLITICS. we should be aware about our limitation! we are passing a crucial time in the political arena! and the reactionary forces are very active with the help of their local and international allies. so we should keep our step consciously and ready to fight the evil doings done by them!
The bitter rivalry is almost impossible to overcome by the party leaderships because of the historical nature of the conflict. The seeds of the conflict between the two parties germinated when the killers of Bangabondhu Shiekh Mujibar Rahman received indemnity from the founder of the current opposition party and the then president Ziaur Rahman! Moreover, the grenade attack on Sheikh Hasina (Bangabondhu’s daughter) on August 21, 2004 is a great barrier to hold or to sit for a dialogue. However, the two parties did join forces in their opposition to the rule of General HM Ershad in the 1980s. Unfortunately, since then, there has been no love lost between the two heads of the respective political parties and their ardent followers  till 1986
I want to mention about the 1986 election where the first time trust hampered on the point of joining election under Ershad or not! By and by it became grow as a poison-as tree for trust and worth among them!
We are facing crucial moment not only in politics but also in all sectors such as social improvement, human rights, regional and international relationship, economic development, food security and so on. It is not only recent issue but also a long history.
After 1975 we have entered into a black hole. Though after 90 we have conquered a so called democracy but it was violated in course of time due to polluted & corrupted political practice not only by BNP but also AL. During 90 all of political parties existing in BD jointly protest Ershad including Rajakar JAMAT. During 96 AL make a underground coalition with JAMAT against BNP. In the year of 2001 BNP form a 4 parties coalition with RAJAKAR & SOURASHASAK against AL and recent time AL form grand alliance against BNP coalition. What next???? How our democracy will establish? Is it democracy? There is no end of politics, power, corruption.
My observances regarding development issues in different sector as well as politics,social economical human rights,food security and international relations,and with due respect i want to notice some development in political arena also as well as other sectors is slowly moving up and down!
 We can see that the father of the nation has been killed with the rest of his family member living with him by some dissatisfied army officer in 1975! the second president was killed also by some dissatisfied army officer ! The third president was outstead by student and mass up rage in 1990! He was not killed but had to go jail! And afterward their comes some changes in power by peoples vote under care taker govt.Though those election was proclaimed unfair by the defeated party leaders  and both has criticized the last caretaker govt. as caretaker. Some developments were also their in humane rights, social improvement and a few in various economic sectors. 
The rajaker jamat scenario and its roots on society is so strong that sometime our mainstream leaders had to compromise with them! in these aspects some are sitting with them for dialog and some are using them with terrorism to win over the political game! This time the signs are alarming!
Unfortunately the long practice of going for justice and claiming each other to the diplomats on internal issues, we had a very minus position in first line defense or in international politics! International Expatriates played critically important role to shape many countries’ fiscal environment and economic growth. They are equally valued citizens with diversified rights and play role in favor of their country( including India. USA).
Capitalist west ( including India. USA) has one agenda which is acquiring our resources. Keeping the nation divided in to two camps is best way to achieve their agenda. Our short vision leaders supported by so called intellectuals (possibly in their pay roll) are only executing their (west) game plan. Our political leaders neither have capability nor willingness to counter them. Young and potential leaders are deliberately allowed and encouraged to get corrupted. This is a viscous cycle that we are in. At the moment Intolerance and extremism are two enemies of our nation. Fundamentalism at its any form needs to be stopped. Currently, so called pro- and anti-liberation forces and their supporters are not free from it and equally responsible to spread a vicious cycle of hatred, which MUST BE STOPPED. We certainly need renaissance and emergence of youth power, but it has to be based on a culture of tolerance and democratic value, pro- growth and forward looking, with abilities to lead a soon to emerge middle income economy.
Due to unavoidable circumstances and nuisance attitude of the political leader in political arena is the main cause of people suffering and so politics and the political leaders are being treated as nasty one. But what are the alternative of politics and politicians? The thing nasty became surrounded in every sphere and profession in life here in Bangladesh! The bad people are the majority part who are leading the country in political, civil and army bureaucracy! In politics "The bad people drives good people out of politics" though a political leader of a country provides and rules all the sectors of the country ! He has to be liable for all the things! But we should give effort to upraise the good politicians with beter ideology Of honesty and commitment towards country and the people! Cause The politicians are the main leader and also liable for any development in a country ! As a citizen we have some duty to do for the country also! We should uphold the  political norms and values ! Otherwise we have to keep doing the same old things before we change course? Isn’t it time for a radical shift in strategy to try to lessen the impact ON DECISIONS AND CRITICISM!
We need a serious destruction with our thought process and the way we are going onwards.  We the people of the country should make a positive role to change the attitude of the politician and the other leader in Bureaucracy ! Cause the babies who had born in the 21st millinium is growing up and we are making insicure and dangerous time and situation for their living. We should ensure them with securities of their life for better living.


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